I’m about halfway through the revision of “Putting a New Face on an Old Place” and I’m not sure where the story is going, to be honest with you. Have you ever had that happen? Even with an outline and everything the story just isn’t going where you thought it would? This may have to stew around in my brain some more.
On a positive note, I’ve done a little bit of brainstorming on Penumbra’s “Isolation” theme for this month, and I think I’ve come up with an idea. It’ll be in a steampunk setting and feature the sole survivor of a civilization fallen to war/plague/whatever: an automized human constable. Think of it as a tribute to the aspects of Robocop that I liked best, which were the psychological, trying-to-reclaim-what-was-once-his aspects. Won’t be a thing like Robocop, I assure you. But, it’ll be in the spirit of that: a character no longer fully human attempting to regain or protect something. And no, it won’t be her humanity she’s trying to regain or protect.
- Nonfiction: 201
- Planning and outlining: 000
- Short Fiction: 2,076
- Novel Fiction: 000
- Salable words: 000
Total Fiction for Month: 26,543
Total Salable for Month: 7,290
Total Fiction for Challenge Year: 76,766
Total Salable for Challenge Year: 18,234