The second revision of “The Rabbits of Forest Warren” has begun. It’s probably more accurate to refer to it as a third rewrite rather than a second revision, as I am not drawing from the rough draft or first revised draft all that much, other than for structure. I’m also not sure how long the story will end up being. I want it to have a bit of a Redwall feel to it, and Redwall was known for its detailed dialogue, descriptions ,and feast scenes. I will likely only have two of those three elements in it, but it will still add up into a lengthy tale.
The Spark Anthology has a word limit of about 12,000 words, so I’m not worried too much on word count. If anything, the story will be as long as it needs to be and I’ll trim only where necessary.
- Nonfiction: 173
- Planning and outlining: 000
- Short Fiction: 836
- Novel Fiction: 000
- Salable words: 000
Total Fiction for Month: 57,139
Total Salable for Month: 13,940
Total Fiction for Challenge Year: 107,362
Total Salable for Challenge Year: 24,884