Today was yardwork day. Spent a good bit of time mowing so that we could get the riding mower to the shop for its once-every-couple-of-years maintenance. There are some things I can do with it, but some of it needs a professional.
Anyway, I was able to slip some writing into the day, and the time spent on the mower was productive from a brainstorming point of view. I decided what was wrong with the openings to both short stories from yesterday, and I’ve figured out how to improve on them both and get the stories kicked off a little bit faster.
Today I spent a bit of time working on the rewriting of the “Hyperspeed” rough draft (Would that be a revised draft, or just a second rough draft?) and am about 859 words into it. Didn’t get a chance to do much on the “Fairy Tale” rough draft, but I’ve got a good idea of where I want to go with it.
Anyway, tomorrow afternoon and evening should be free for plenty of writing, so here’s hoping we can push our word count back up to what we were doing last month.
- Blog Posts: 194
- Planning and outlining: 000
- Short Fiction: 1,009
- Novel Fiction: 000
- Salable words: 000
Total Fiction for Month: 2,509
Total Salable for Month: 000
Total Fiction for Challenge Year: 115,849
Total Salable for Challenge Year: 24,884