The rough draft of the Spindles Fairy Tale story is finished. Around 2,976 words were written today, all focused on this particular tale. I’ve decided to go with a more modern take on the Chinese Fairy Tale “Help in Need.” I had to rework the protagonist a few times. Originally it was going to be a real member of the Hong Kong Defence Force, but I settled on a fictional individual who worked closely with the real member. It made plotting a little easier, and kept me from accidentally getting the real member’s personality and ambitions wrong.
The deadline is tomorrow, so I will need to work quickly on revisions. I already know where I want to go with it, but I expect it to take most of the day to complete.
- Blog Posts: 160
- Planning and outlining: 000
- Short Fiction: 2,976
- Novel Fiction: 000
- Salable words: 000
Total Fiction for Month: 9,325
Total Salable for Month: 000
Total Fiction for Challenge Year: 125,174
Total Salable for Challenge Year: 24,884