I’m mostly finished with “A New Face on an Old Place.” As I was working on the story tonight I came to the realization that I was making it too long without building on the conflict. One scene could effectively explain all of the later steps that would occur in the plot, so I was spending a lot of time spinning the proverbial wheels. The writing wasn’t bad, but the added weight wasn’t adding anything else to the story other than weight. So, out it had to go. What’s left will be a much shorter tale, probably in the area of 3,000 words.
I just need to finish up with the final scene (Which my wife suggested), add in a little bit of discussion about what these “later steps” would have been, and that should do it. Provided the day job doesn’t keep me pinned down more than usual tomorrow I hope to have this done in the morning hours, and then I can get started on a new tale tomorrow afternoon.
I only completed about half of my word count goal for the day, but it’s still better than I’ve been doing, so I’m content. Tomorrow will be a better day!
- Nonfiction: 225
- Planning and outlining: 000
- Short Fiction: 3,000
- Novel Fiction: 000
- Salable words: 000
Total Fiction for Month: 49,607
Total Salable for Month: 10,640
Total Fiction for Challenge Year: 99,830
Total Salable for Challenge Year: 21,584