Writing in Public: Day 17, Month 02

The second revision of “The Lone Blue Strand” is finished. A lot of the language has been tightened up, and the story has been condensed down to 3,950 words, much of it written from scratch or adapted from the first revision. There’s still a bit more to be done, but I’m confident I’ll have it finished and submitted tomorrow evening.

The second revision of “A New Face on an Old Place” is also coming along. I added another 1,910 words to the second revision. Tomorrow I plan to push through the rest of it and hopefully arrive at a cohesive plot that I can condense down. My goal is between 3,000 and 4,000 words.

I’ve also decided that I’m going to attempt a rewrite of “A Necessary Sacrifice” for this quarter’s Writers of the Future competition. I really want to submit “Sublease” to them, but I still don’t think my skills as a writer are quite up to what I want to pull off in that story. I’m hoping to get that one out for the June deadline.

  • Nonfiction: 430
  • Planning and outlining: 000
  • Short Fiction: 5,860
  • Novel Fiction: 000
  • Salable words: 000

Total Fiction for Month: 42,607

Total Salable for Month: 7,290

Total Fiction for Challenge Year: 92,830

Total Salable for Challenge Year: 18,234

Writing in Public: Day 16, Month 02

Today’s writing objectives were reached, albeit a little late. We went to bed late the night before, so I was unable to wake up more than an hour before Church. That restricted my morning to just resubmitting stories. The post-midnight hour right before bed was productive, though. Managed a partial re-outlining of “A New Face on an Old Place” that adds a scene at the beginning to bring the overall conflict into focus within the first few lines, as well as the challenge our dastardly protagonist faces.

Upon my return from church and following lunch I sat down and got to it. The first revised draft of “The Lone Blue Strand” is finished. It’s big and ugly, but it’s done. Between it and the rough draft I have a pretty good idea of where the second revision and subsequent final drafts will end up. Despite its chunkiness of 4,608 words I’m confident I’ll be able to get it under 3,500 words. There is some back-and-forth I was able to eliminate between the rough draft and the first revision, and I see where even more of that can be condensed in the follow-up writing.

The last thing I tackled before heading to bed was the second rewrite of the opening two scenes of “A New Face on an Old Place.” While it’s still not quite where I want it to be in terms of pacing and general humorousness, I’m going to start the day off tomorrow – once the day job is done – with finishing up this story.

All in all, not a bad finish to the previous week. The trick will be maintaining the pace. It’s doable. And if I want to meet my writing goals for the month, it’s necessary.

  • Nonfiction: 316
  • Planning and outlining: 314
  • Short Fiction: 6,004
  • Novel Fiction: 000
  • Salable words: 000

Total Fiction for Month: 36,747

Total Salable for Month: 7,290

Total Fiction for Challenge Year: 86,970

Total Salable for Challenge Year: 18,234

Writing in Public: Day 15, Month 02

Today I finished working on the rough draft for “The Lone Blue Strand” and then spent time outlining what will be the revision. I hope to take care of that first revised draft tomorrow. The challenge for this story is going to be keeping it within the 3,500 word limit that Penumbra stresses. I was able to do it with “Mechanicis Solis” and that was a story with a similar setting in a steampunk-driven world. For me, steampunk needs description to help ground the reader into the world. That’s difficult when you’re pressed for words, but the result can be beautiful, tight language if done correctly. Now, with “Mechanicis Solis” the story was a bit too steampunk-ish for Penumbra’s “gaslamp fantasy” themed issue last year, but the theme this time around is simply “Isolation.” And I think I’ve got that part nailed with this story.

I’ve got a number of goals I want to finish prior to the ending of the month, so it’s my hope that tomorrow we can kick it into high gear and get a lot written.

  • Nonfiction: 279
  • Planning and outlining: 809
  • Short Fiction: 2400
  • Novel Fiction: 000
  • Salable words: 000

Total Fiction for Month: 30,743

Total Salable for Month: 7,290

Total Fiction for Challenge Year: 80,966

Total Salable for Challenge Year: 18,234

Writing in Public: Day 14, Month 02

I’ve finished brainstorming and roughly outlining “The Lone Blue Strand” steampunk robocop story, and began work on the rough draft. We’re six handwritten pages in, or approximately 1,800 words. As with most of my rough drafts, I’ll likely abandon the writing entirely and focus more on the scenes and imagery I get out of the initial effort.

  • Nonfiction: 84
  • Planning and outlining: 1,104
  • Short Fiction: 1,800
  • Novel Fiction: 000
  • Salable words: 000

Total Fiction for Month: 28,343

Total Salable for Month: 7,290

Total Fiction for Challenge Year: 78,566

Total Salable for Challenge Year: 18,234

Writing in Public: Day 13, Month 02

I’m about halfway through the revision of “Putting a New Face on an Old Place” and I’m not sure where the story is going, to be honest with you. Have you ever had that happen? Even with an outline and everything the story just isn’t going where you thought it would? This may have to stew around in my brain some more.

On a positive note, I’ve done a little bit of brainstorming on Penumbra’s “Isolation” theme for this month, and I think I’ve come up with an idea. It’ll be in a steampunk setting and feature the sole survivor of a civilization fallen to war/plague/whatever: an automized human constable. Think of it as a tribute to the aspects of Robocop that I liked best, which were the psychological, trying-to-reclaim-what-was-once-his aspects. Won’t be a thing like Robocop, I assure you. But, it’ll be in the spirit of that: a character no longer fully human attempting to regain or protect something. And no, it won’t be her humanity she’s trying to regain or protect.

  • Nonfiction: 201
  • Planning and outlining: 000
  • Short Fiction: 2,076
  • Novel Fiction: 000
  • Salable words: 000

Total Fiction for Month: 26,543

Total Salable for Month: 7,290

Total Fiction for Challenge Year: 76,766

Total Salable for Challenge Year: 18,234

Writing in Public: Day 12, Month 02

“Pearl Diver” has been finished! It’s been renamed to “A Ningyo’s Pearls” and came in at 2,490 words. It’s been sent on to Spellbound for its sea monster themed issue. It’s my first time writing a children’s story, so I’m curious to see how it does. According to Duotrope, Spellbound is in the top 25 of most personable fiction markets, meaning they tend to personally respond to rejections. So, if the story is rejected there’s a good chance I’ll receive some comments on it. At the very least, that’s what I’m looking for.

  • Nonfiction: 119
  • Planning and outlining: 000
  • Short Fiction: 3,948
  • Novel Fiction: 000
  • Salable words: 2,490

Total Fiction for Month: 24,467

Total Salable for Month: 7,290

Total Fiction for Challenge Year: 74,690

Total Salable for Challenge Year: 18,234

Writing in Public: Day 11, Month 02

The first revision of “Pearl Diver” is finished, and the second revision is underway. That should (hopefully) be finished tomorrow morning, depending on how the work day goes. Once that’s finished, it’s on to the first revision of “Putting a New Face on an Old Place” and beginning brainstorming for Penumbra’s “Isolation” theme. If I’m fortunate I can start the rough draft of a story for that as well, but I won’t hold my breath on it.  That could prove to be a tall order, but it’s always good to dream!

  • Nonfiction: 118
  • Planning and outlining: 000
  • Short Fiction: 2,408
  • Novel Fiction: 000
  • Salable words: 000

Total Fiction for Month: 20,519

Total Salable for Month: 4,800

Total Fiction for Challenge Year: 70,742

Total Salable for Challenge Year: 15,744

Writing in Public: Day 10, Month 02

Today was another underproductive day.  I can’t say “unproductive” because a little bit was accomplished.  Mostly brainstorming on a few short story ideas that have been stewing in my brain for the last several months without me realizing it. I’ve committed very little of these brainstorming activities to paper, which is something I’ll need to rectify before I forget it all again.

I did get started on the revision of “Pearl Diver.”  I’m tempted to mark what I wrote as “salable” as I’m taking my time with getting the wording correct.  Also, the rough draft came out a lot more solid than I had originally thought it would.  But, who knows?  I may scrap and rewrite it several times, so I’ll keep it as simple fiction additions for now, and only once she’s off will the salable part come out.

Yesterday I found out that “Zombielock” wasn’t going to be a good fit for the UFO Anthology.  Alex Shvartsman gave me a rare personalized rejection notice and offered some suggestions on what my second submission ought to be.  It was also good to know that the story did make it far into the process before its ultimate demise.  That’s heartening considering this is a professional anthology.  Here’s hoping one or two of my other ideas take form in the next few weeks!

“Zombielock” has been sent elsewhere, so we’ll see how she fares elsewhere.

In other news, I have a few recently-written works that I haven’t tried to send out for publication in awhile because I’ve lost whatever faith I had in them.  It’s my goal to set aside some time this week to go through at least one of them and see if I can improve on them and send them out again.  Hopefully full rewrites won’t be needed, but that option is on the table.

  • Nonfiction: 335
  • Planning and outlining: 300
  • Short Fiction: 513
  • Novel Fiction: 000
  • Salable words: 000

Total Fiction for Month: 18,111

Total Salable for Month: 4,800

Total Fiction for Challenge Year: 68,334

Total Salable for Challenge Year: 15,744


Writing in Public: Day 09, Month 02

Today I started making headway on “Putting a New Face on an Old Place.”  I changed protagonists around in the morning and re-outlined the story.  The bulk of the rough draft was written in about 2,300 words, enough that I have a good idea of what’s working and what’s not.  For instance, the story was originally a back-and-forth conversation between two people, the protagonist and the person who’s trying to get the protagonist to change and make a decision.  I’m thinking of adding a third person, one who’s trying to keep the protagonist on the current, dire course.  In a way, both characters will be externalizing what’s going on in the protagonist’s head, as the protagonist understands a change is needed.  He just doesn’t want to do it.  Not initially, anyway.

I also came up with a couple of ideas for humor-based stories I may try and flesh out at a later date, or sooner if the story in the previous paragraph just doesn’t pan out.

Today I was supposed to start my revision of “Pearl Diver.”  It didn’t happen, and I have no excuse other than poor time management.  I knew we had a church function following the regular service and we were also headed to the movie theater in the afternoon which turned into a dinner date.  The Wind Rises is well worth seeing, by the way.  Different from Miyazaki’s other works in that it’s a biography/docudrama rather than a complete work of fiction, but the animation is still top-notch.

  • Nonfiction:
  • Planning and outlining: 450
  • Short Fiction: 2,300
  • Novel Fiction: 000
  • Salable words: 000

Total Fiction for Month: 17,598

Total Salable for Month: 4,800

Total Fiction for Challenge Year: 67,821

Total Salable for Challenge Year: 15,744

Submission Sunday – Week Ending 03/09/2014

Finally, a week with more new submissions than resubmissions!  Of course, two of these stories were written before this week.  I just didn’t get around to the final edits until the other day.

Summary: 3 New, 2 Resubmission

“Blue Pearls” submitted to Crossed Genres.

“Alien Concept” submitted to Crossed Genres.

“Zombielock” submitted to Unidentified Funny Objects.



“Who Killed Zombie Robin?” resubmitted to Black Static Magazine.

“False Light” resubmitted to Lightspeed Magazine.