“UnCivil Engineering” is finished! It has also hereby been renamed “Zombielock.” It came in at about 4,800 words. Edited it down quite a bit and got some critical feedback on it. It’s been fired off to Unidentified Funny Objects. Hopefully we’ll get some good results for it.
Also finished my final edits on both “Alien Concept” and “Blue Pearls.” Both have been sent off to Crossed Genres for their first-ever flash fiction themed issue. They’re accepting up to three stories, so I’ll have to cook up another between now and the end of the month. I don’t know that my flash fiction pieces are any good, but they’re a fun challenge. Developing a full beginning, middle, and end is a tough thing to do in 1,000 words or less.
Ok, on to today’s numbers:
- Nonfiction: 91
- Planning and outlining: 350
- Short Fiction: 2,400 (Halved the salable total, as it wasn’t all new words)
- Novel Fiction: 000
- Salable words: 4,800
Total Fiction for Month: 12,448
Total Salable for Month: 4,800
Total Fiction for Challenge Year: 62,671
Total Salable for Challenge Year: 15,744