Writing in Public: Month 6 in Review

Well, I may have stopped posting “writing in public” updates for the last couple of weeks, but writing was still accomplished. Not as much as I would have liked, but with harvest and canning season upon us that is to be expected. Canning 80 pounds of tomatoes takes up a lot of time, after all.

The biggest item of note is “Fire with Fire” is finished. It came in at 10,130 words, and it was successfully submitted to the Writers of the Future contest yesterday. We should expect results sometime in November or December. I am happy with the way the story turned out, but I am not holding out hope that it will make it into the final selection. An honorable mention would be enough for me at the moment.

I have big plans for October. “You Are My Brothers” still needs to be finished, as does “False Seer.” Both are long stories like “Fire with Fire,” and all three take place in the Soulweaver universe on the main continent of Pacem.


Total Fiction for Month: 52,114

Total Salable for Month: 11,118

Total Fiction for Challenge Year: 259,809

Total Salable for Challenge Year: 55,512

Goals for the Week Ending 02-23-14

Writing Goals (Any titles listed are working titles):

  • Write “Songs of Fate”, a fantasy short story for Crossed Genres‘ “music” theme. (4,000 words or less)
  • Write “Interstellar Explorers”, a science fiction short story about human prospectors discovering – and dealing with – a pre-spaceflight alien race that is very warlike and will be a threat if they do reach the stars. (6,000 words or less)
  • Write “Sublease”, a science fiction tale set in the not-too-distant future where all of humanity is tied into a network that makes use of everyone’s unused physical and mental abilities in exchange for paying off the enormous debt a collapsed global economy has placed on everyone.  Think of it as a coal-mining town where the company owns everything, and charges more than you get paid for the necessities.  The hero is someone who wants to break free of that system.  I’m expecting this tale to be around 10,000 words.  This is the story I want to send to the Writers of the Future contest.
  • Write outline for the second draft of “Into the Wastes”, a fantasy novel about a company of crusaders sent into their kingdom’s northern hinterlands to deal with one threat, only to discover multiple threats.

Reading Goals:

  • Read each of the five stories that Daily Science Fiction puts out this week.
  • Re-read my notes for “Into The Wastes” and lay the groundwork for a second draft.
  • Re-read the prologues and opening chapters for several epic fantasy novels, including King’s Dragon (Kate Elliott), The Green Rider (Kristen Britain), and The Eye of the World (Robert Jordan), amongst others.  I’m doing this as an exercise to see if there is anything common in each book’s opening chapters and how that could benefit the opening chapters to “Into the Wastes.”